The term comes from the two concepts of reduction and oxidation. It can be explained in simple terms:
- Oxidation is the loss of electrons or an increase in oxidation state by a molecule, atom, or ion.
- Reduction is the gain of electrons or a decrease in oxidation state by a molecule, atom, or ion.
Non-redox reactions, which do not involve changes in formal charge, are known as metathesis reactions.
Examples of redox reactions
A good example is the reaction between hydrogen and fluorine in which hydrogen is being oxidized and fluorine is being reduced:- H2 + F2 → 2 HF
the oxidation reaction:
- H2 → 2 H+ + 2 e−
- F2 + 2 e− → 2 F−
Elements, even in molecular form, always have an oxidation number of zero. In the first half-reaction, hydrogen is oxidized from an oxidation number of zero to an oxidation number of +1. In the second half-reaction, fluorine is reduced from an oxidation number of zero to an oxidation number of −1.
When adding the reactions together the electrons cancel:
H2 → 2 H+ + 2 e− F2 + 2 e− → 2 F− H2 + F2 → 2 H+ + 2 F−
- H2 + F2 → 2 H+ + 2 F− → 2 HF
Displacement reactions
Redox occurs in single displacement reactions or substitution reactions. The redox component of these types of reactions is the change of oxidation state (charge) on certain atoms, not the actual exchange of atoms in the compounds.For example, in the reaction between iron and copper(II) sulfate solution:
- Fe + CuSO4 → FeSO4 + Cu
- Fe + Cu2+ → Fe2+ + Cu
- Fe → Fe2+ + 2 e−
- Cu2+ + 2 e− → Cu
Other examples
- The oxidation of iron(II) to iron(III) by hydrogen peroxide in the presence of an acid:
- Fe2+ → Fe3+ + e−
- H2O2 + 2 e− → 2 OH−
- Overall equation:
- 2 Fe2+ + H2O2 + 2 H+ → 2 Fe3+ + 2 H2O
- The reduction of nitrate to nitrogen in the presence of an acid (denitrification):
- 2 NO3− + 10 e− + 12 H+ → N2 + 6 H2O
Iron rusting in pyrite cubes
- Oxidation of elemental iron to iron(III) oxide by oxygen (commonly known as rusting, which is similar to tarnishing):
- 4 Fe + 3 O2 → 2 Fe2O3
- The combustion of hydrocarbons, such as in an internal combustion engine, which produces water, carbon dioxide, some partially oxidized forms such as carbon monoxide, and heat energy. Complete oxidation of materials containing carbon produces carbon dioxide.
- In organic chemistry, the stepwise oxidation of a hydrocarbon by oxygen produces water and, successively, an alcohol, an aldehyde or a ketone, a carboxylic acid, and then a peroxide.
[edit] Redox reactions in industry
The primary process of reducing ore to produce metals is discussed in the article on Smelting.Oxidation is used in a wide variety of industries such as in the production of cleaning products and oxidising ammonia to produce nitric acid, which is used in most fertilizers.
Redox reactions are the foundation of electrochemical cells.
The process of electroplating uses redox reactions to coat objects with a thin layer of a material, as in chrome plated automotive parts, silver plated cutlery, and gold plated jewelry.
The production of compact discs depends on a redox reaction, which coats the disc with a thin layer of metal film.
Redox reactions in biology
Top: ascorbic acid (reduced form of Vitamin C)
Bottom: dehydroascorbic acid (oxidized form of Vitamin C)
Bottom: dehydroascorbic acid (oxidized form of Vitamin C)
Cellular respiration, for instance, is the oxidation of glucose (C6H12O6) to CO2 and the reduction of oxygen to water. The summary equation for cell respiration is:
- C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O
- 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + light energy → C6H12O6 + 6 O2
The term redox state is often used to describe the balance of NAD+/NADH and NADP+/NADPH in a biological system such as a cell or organ. The redox state is reflected in the balance of several sets of metabolites (e.g., lactate and pyruvate, beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate), whose interconversion is dependent on these ratios. An abnormal redox state can develop in a variety of deleterious situations, such as hypoxia, shock, and sepsis. Redox signaling involves the control of cellular processes by redox processes.
Redox proteins and their genes must be co-located for redox regulation according to the CoRR hypothesis for the function of DNA in mitochondria and chloroplasts.
Redox cycling
A wide variety of aromatic compounds are enzymatically reduced to form free radicals that contain one more electron than their parent compounds. In general, the electron donor is any of a wide variety of flavoenzymes and their coenzymes. Once formed, these anion free radicals reduce molecular oxygen to superoxide, and regenerate the unchanged parent compound. The net reaction is the oxidation of the flavoenzyme's coenzymes and the reduction of molecular oxygen to form superoxide. This catalytic behavior has been described as futile cycle or redox cycling.Examples of redox cycling-inducing molecules are the herbicide paraquat and other viologens and quinones such as menadione.
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